
Do you think 5G is exciting? Just wait for the 6G

In the race of 5g and 6g which one is better and more advanced? Wireless manufacturing has transformed the way we work and play, so it’s no wonder why 5G has caught everyone’s attention.

Already in some cities, and soon worldwide, fiber optic transmission speeds will invisibly reach all our pockets, bringing television, 3D images and new applications that we never dream of on our mobile devices.

What is 6G? No one knows yet, and international standards bodies, formed by hundreds of companies worldwide, will discover it in the next decade. But work at the University of New York shows that by 2035, 6G will mark the beginning of the ability to send wireless signals at the speed of human computing.

Nicknamed “wireless cognition” by researchers, 6G could mean that human intelligence could eventually be sent to the air instantly. Remote control robots and artificial intelligence applications with capabilities similar to those of humans could be enabled on 6G cell phones.

By using electromagnetic frequencies greater than 95 Gigahertz, future cell phones will be able to use massive channel bandwidths and highly directional antennas that allow excellent coverage and allow new applications. These frequencies, which are 20 times higher than the current frequencies of 4G cell phones, and three or four times higher than the new 5G frequencies, were marketed by the Federal Communications Commission last year.

Furthermore, accurate positioning and direction search along with superior detection and images, just as humans use their eyes to see things clearly both near and far, will be possible with 6G.

While 6g is already in the headlines in the technology world. But for now, 5G is starting to get interesting, and with at least ten years before the first track of a 6G network appears, let’s enjoy the exciting technology that 5G will bring us before. Don’t worry, we will also keep up with 6G to make sure we are fully prepared by 2030 and beyond.

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