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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 8: NBC Revealed Its Fall LineUp! Plot Details & More

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 8 has been expected to premiere this fall in the US. NBC’s police procedural comedy-drama, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, got early greenlit before its season seven hit the streaming platform. This early announcement was worth taking as the show got the highest ratings and positive feedback from the critics and the audience. However, the series would follow immense changes in their storyline after the Black Lives Matter protests. Since production started considering all the health protocols, it’s still unclear whether they could make it till the fall. Now, let’s wait for NBC’s next announcement.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine, created by Micheal Schur and Dan Goor, is a comedy police-drama television series. In the last season, Captain Raymond Holt fought for his captaincy and not getting demoted from his work. Eventually, he survived and returned to his position after his rival Madeline Wuntch’s unexpected death.

Meanwhile, Jake and Amy decided to try for a baby. Ultimately, they discovered that Amy is pregnant after struggling to conceive for six months. The night Amy’s water broke, was the blackout experience for Brooklyn. However, she managed to lead that blackout protocol, while Charles and Jake captured a group of bank robbers who created chaos in the entire city. Somehow, Jake manages to take Amy to the hospital with his colleagues’ help, where she gave birth to a baby boy named McClane ‘Mac’ Peralta.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 8: Release Date

NBC revealed its scheduled plan for premiering its upcoming series this fall on June 16. Surprisingly, Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 8 has a slot in this plan. NBC revealed that season 8 would premiere this fall in the US. When Brooklyn Nine-Nine was a part of the Fox network, the series lined up to premiere in fall itself. However, when NBC picked the series, it has been a part of the midseason lineup. But, this shift in its streaming date is because of the current crisis. So, let’s wait until NBC officially declared anything.

Affected By Black Lives Matter Protest

George Floyd’s death in police custody changed the future of all the police-procedural shows. Many cops’ series, such as Cops and Live PD, got canceled, in response to police cruelty and protest to Black Lives Matter. However, Brooklyn Nine-Nine series is quite different than the other cops series. Further, the series got maximum reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, which made NBC keep the series in their upcoming lineup. As per the showrunner, the series will continue to amaze its fan with a new and more twisted plot. Also, as per the reports, the upcoming season might add the same situational scenario as well.

What To Expect From The Upcoming Season?

In the last season, Amy gave birth to a baby boy McClane ‘Mac’ Peralta. So, the upcoming season could pick up from there. The audience Would experience some changes in Jake’s character. Now he’s experiencing fatherhood, which would be quite challenging for him. Also, it would follow the strugglE the couple will face while dealing with parenthood and their career. Further, the showrunner declared that the upcoming series would portray the current protest. So, the biggest challenge is how they will manage the real-life problems with their show’s original theme.

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