gta game updates

GTA Online Players are Killing Sex Workers in the Game to Cause a Car Duplication Error

Recently, the enclosure of Grand Theft Auto sex workers has a long notoriety thanks to the players who supposedly kill the NPCs for money. While in modern games, such violent tendencies have diminished: it is not the best way to earn money. Recently, however, GTA Online cheats have regained the horrific practice of murder.

In early 2020, players discovered that they could use sex workers for a technical problem that allows them to duplicate rare cars. In the first iteration, players would pick up a sex worker in a car at night and then fit that vehicle between a Mobile Operations Center (MOC) and a third car. The goal was to make it impossible for the sex worker to vacate the car.

From there, the players would enter a garage, get into the car they wanted to clone and drive it to the triangle of vehicles they installed. Then, the players would shoot the sex worker, store their car in the MOC and then return. If done successfully, players could double their equipped car, with a second vehicle of the same type that now appears in the original garage. In early March, players reported that Rockstar patched the exploit. Rockstar did not respond before publication time.

Furthermore, the players didn’t take long to find an answer to the patch. It works mainly in the same way: players grab a sex worker and park the car in a way that makes unemployment impossible. From there, players will often shoot at the car’s hood with the sex worker still inside until the vehicle catches fire. Then, the players will call their insurance company in the game, they will go to the garage with the car they want to double, they will expel it and then they will kill the sex worker. The car and the sex worker will disappear, letting the player enter the MOC to double the car.

The exact steps to trigger the solution vary from one tutorial to another, but always involve a sex worker trapped in a car that is shot, as you can see in the video from East Kentucky Outlaw.

While, the GTA online players from time to time make great efforts to duplicate cars, which can then be sold for large sums of money. The failure of sex workers has recently gained prominence because it is reportedly simple and straightforward to implement despite their morbidity.

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