Aarogya Setu

Aarogya Setu Covid-19 Tracker App Become Fastest to Reach 50M Users, Breaks Pokemon Go’s Record

On April 2nd, 2020, the Government of India launched an application called “Aarogya Setu.” On the 13th day of launch, the app hit 50 million (5 crores) downloads on Goggle Play Store. Previously, this record was with the mobile game Pokémon Go, which reached the mark in 19 days. It helps the health services to connect with people of India, in the fight against COVID-19.

The app has been launched to keep people informed of the initiatives of the Department Of Health (GOI) and telling them about risks, healthy practices and advisories. The sole objective is awareness about the situation and containment of virus spread. Through access to your location and Bluetooth settings, the application warns the user if they come close to an infected person or area. The app runs on both Android and iOS. With support to more than 11 languages, the app asks Bluetooth and data permissions as soon as you install it on your devices. Then with the help of your contact number and the settings mentioned above, the applications suggest the user, whether they are safe or not.

You would have to enter basic details like your name, age, profession, and a travel record of days. After you enter all the details, the app will indicate the level of danger in two colors: green and yellow. If the app shows green, you are entirely safe. But if the app turns yellow, you are in danger. It would ask you to contact the COVID helpline, in the latter case.

The Novel Coronavirus has infected over 12000 people in India, as of 15th April (source: covid19india.org). Out of them, over 1500 people have been recovered and as many as 400 people have lost their lives. While the government is taking extensive measures to contain the virus through social lockdown, the numbers are still on the rise. An initial lockdown of 21 days was imposed on 24th March 2020. Owing to the rapid spread of the virus, the lockdown has been extended till 3rd May 2020. The people in public services are trying their best to keep the country safe.

A fact worth noting is, the application gained 11 million downloads in just one day. Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi requested his countrymen to download the app in his last address to the nation, and it did not take twenty-four hours for the app to gain 11 million downloads.

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