Line of Duty Season 6 got renewed earlier before Season 5 started to stream on The BBC One. There’s no surprise. It’s the most popular show on British television. Earlier, it was expected that Season 6 would stream this October. However, the current health crisis has put a hold on the filming of the show. So, fans have to wait a little longer to watch their favorite show. Aside, it’s still not clear whether Season 6 will return this year or probably in 2021.
British police-drama series, Line of Duty Season 5 ended up in the baffling situation. It revealed that AC-12 been chasing the wrong person known as ‘H’ the entire show. Earlier, they thought it was only one corrupt police officer behind this. But later discovered that its a quartet. Now, let’s see how everything will wrap up in Season 6.
When To Expect Line Of Duty Season 6?
Line of Duty Season 6 production commenced early in February. The BBC, in its official Twiter account, posted a picture of AC-12 squad. However, the global shutdown caused the shooting to hold in the midst. Line of Duty took to its official twitter account to express their grief. They stated: “In light of the spread of COVID-19-world productions are suspending filming of Line Of Duty Season 6 with the support of The BBC.”
Further, Line of Duty star Vickey McClure hinted there’s more to shoot yet in her guest appearance on BBC Breakfast. She stated, “We were about six weeks into the shoot of 16 weeks. So we’ve got a long way to go yet.” Besides, in this month, Jed Mercurio, the creator of Line of Duty, teased up more on The Andrew Marr Show. He said he was confused about whether the filming resumes this year or commenced in 2021. Well, this time, safety is more important than anything. So, The BBC could reschedule everything and it’s might possible that Line of Duty Season 6 would return in late 2021.
Line Of Duty Season 6: Is Jed Planning To Re-Shoot The Scenes?
Jed Mercurio on The Andrew Marr Show revealed that he’s planning to re-write the script of Season 6. He’s still not satisfied with the script and wanted to re-shoot it. Jed explained: “We’re all considering (a re-write). We shot for four weeks in a pre-lockdown world. And all that material would have to re-shoot if we were going to change things.” Further, he stated: “That would have huge cost implications, but we are considering it.” It means everything will start from scratch. On which Vicky added: “I am keen to go back, Even if it means re-shooting what we’ve already shot.”

New Guest On The Way!
Of course, our favorite Adrian Dunbar, Martin Compston, Vicky McClure, Hastings, Arnott, and Fleming will return. Surprisingly, there’s a new star guest who’ll join Season 6. Mercurio on his Twitter handle, shared a picture of the AC-12 group with caption “awaiting the arrival of secret guest stars.”
After then, The BBC revealed that Kelly Macdonald will be the star guest in Season 6. She will play Detective Chief Inspector Joanne Davidson’s character. Davidson is a senior officer dealing with the unsolved murder case. Now, she suspects AC-12 is probably hiding something from her. So, she takes the incident on her hand to resolve everything.