Jurassic World 3
Universal Pictures

Jurassic World 3: Dominion Getting Back Into Productions! Cast Revealing Details

Back in 2018, All the Jurassic fans were thrilled when Jurassic World 3 was announced. Later on, the movie was named Jurrasic World: Dominion. Jurassic World 3: Dominion will be the first project to get into production in this corona hit era. While many had speculated that the movie would be the last in the franchise, Laurel Canyon, and Frank Marshall has confirmed that the movie is not the end. They have revealed that Jurassic World: Dominion is not the conclusion of the franchise. In fact, it the start of a new era. He went on to say that dinosaurs have now come into the mainland with humans, and they will be there for some time now.

Jurassic World 3

Talking about the future, they said that it is the “new normal.” Humans will share the land with dinosaurs. With these new details emerging, all fans have become even more excited about the release of Jurassic World 3: Dominion. Recently actor Bryce Dallas Howard also talked about getting back on sets. Here are all the details- 

Actor Bryce Dallas Howard Talks About Going Back To Sets 

Jurassic World 3: Dominion, the third movie in the Jurassic World franchise, is all set to get back to the productions. It will be the first Hollywood movie to return to action in a pre-vaccine coronavirus hit era. In a recent video interview with Entertainment Weekly, Star Bryce Dallas Howard discussed about returning to the sets. He promised that the studio they are going to work in is going above and beyond all measures to make sure that it is safe. 

Jurassic World 3

In the interview, Howard said that they have had a lot of communication. They are ensuring that there is maximum safety on the sets. He continued to say that they wouldn’t return if they did not feel safe in doing that. They are taking one step at a time. Howard said that he is grateful to have a job at this time. 

Jurassic World 3

The actor went on to reveal that what he feels very right about this is that they are having conversations; they are communicating daily. All actors are talking to all the crew members and constantly asking and discussing how they will do the movie safely. Nobody is compromising or undermining anyone’s health. 

Jurassic Park 3: Dominion Release Date

Directed by Colin Trevorrow, the movie had to pause the productions in March due to the spread of COVID-19. Now things have slowly started getting back on track. Many organizations are making different strategies that could help them restart filming safely. Recently, Hollywood guilds released a report that stated the guidelines for how to start production. 

Jurassic World 3

By mid-June, Pinewood studios confirmed that they would start productions by July 6 for Jurassic World 3: Dominion. They are spending about 5 million dollars for additional safety measures. Now that the movie is getting back in productions, it looks like producers will be able to fulfill their promise of releasing the movie on June 11, 2021.

If things go as planned, the movie will release by then, if delayed, the movie will be delayed for another year. With time, and as productions begin, more details about the movie will keep emerging. We will keep updating this space with all the information as we get them. Stay tuned to know all the latest updates. 

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