Blood Bowl 3

Blood Bowl 3: Releasing In 2020, More Mystical Monsters Coming Up

Blood Bowl 3: The Blood Bowl is one of the most bizarre games from the Warhammer videogames. Originally a tabletop game, it was modified into a video game. Loosely based on an American football game, the players can play the game against all sorts of teams, including drives, elves, humans, and trolls from the whole Warhammer Fantasy setting. The game is incredibly violent and full of blood.

Cyanide, the company that created the first two Blood Bowl, announced that they would be bringing Blood Bowl 3. The video game will most probably release in 2020. Like the first two games, Bigben Interactive will publish the next game. The release will perhaps coincide with the launch of an updated board game edition of the same.

The Blood Bowl 3

While we don’t know what Blood Bowl 3 would bring in, the second game had features like single-player campaigns and multiplayer modes. One could even customize their teams and trade players in the online marketplace. Players can expect that that Blood Bowl 3 would feature all of this just with a better interface. More modes and upgraded graphics will also be a part of the next game. Creators might even add more mythical monsters from the Warhammer universe.

Some fans had been complaining about the rolling dice reliance on the second game. So, maybe the creators would move on from that. Many players also said that they didn’t feel like they were actually in control of the game. With that said, it will be all upon the creators of what they bring for the next season. However, we do hope that all these loopholes from the second game are addressed in the upcoming one. We don’t know what consoles will support the game. We will keep you updated with all the latest information. So, you stay tuned.

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