The most recent installment of The Last Kingdom left the fans craving for more. And now, everyone is eagerly waiting to see The Last Kingdom Season 5. The Coronavirus pandemic halted the production of various shows, and movies and the fans were worried that it would delay the filming of the fifth season as well. But we have good news for our readers, the cast and crew are set and will begin its production very soon.
The Last Kingdom is an American historical fiction TV series. It is an adaptation of the novel series of the same name by Bernard Cornwell. The show made its debut on October 15, 2020, on BBC America. After the initial two seasons, Netflix brought the series’s rights and featured it as Netflix’s original series. The fourth season recently premiered on April 26, 2020. And in July 2020, the streaming giant renewed the series for its fifth season.
Production Status Of The Fifth Season!
The global health crisis forced the entertainment industry to shut down worldwide. However, now things are coming back to normal. Many shows already began filming by following the guidelines and taking proper precautions. According to reports, the creators will begin the production of The Last Kingdom Season 5 in November 2020. They are currently doing its pre-production work and will most probably start filming in the first week of November. However, nothing is certain in the time of the pandemic. We can only hope for everything to go according to the schedule.

The Last Kingdom Season 5: Plot Details!
For all the curious fans out there, Netflix already released the official synopsis of the upcoming season. It will follow the ninth (Warriors Of The Storm) and tenth (The Flame Bearer) book of the novel series. The official synopsis of The Last Kingdom Season 5 reads, “The fifth installment will witness Uhtred understand his destiny is more than just Bebbanburg. It is bound to the fate of England itself. Filled with training King Edward’s first-born son Aethelstan as a fighter, Uhtred’s drive will have an even greater purpose. But to obtain this goal, Uhtred will have to face his biggest enemy and experience his greatest loss.”
Along with this, the upcoming season will also reveal whether Aelswith is alive or not. It was one of the major cliffhangers of the previous season. She survived the poison given to her by Aethelhelm. If she survives this, then Aethelhelm will get in some serious trouble in The Last Kingdom Season 5. It might also serve as the end for his character. Whatever happens, the upcoming installment will conclude this storyline.

The Last Kingdom Season 5: Release Date
There is a gap of 17-18 months between the release of the previous two seasons. The fifth season is also likely to follow the same schedule. If everything goes well, the viewers might see The Last Kingdom Season 5 in October/November of 2021. Or else it will premiere in the first quarter of 2022.