The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4: Executive Producer Hints What Is Coming Up For Midge!

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4: Executive Producer Hints What Is Coming Up For Midge!

Sit tight all the Midge fans, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4 is happening. Amazon had renewed the show only three weeks after the third season was released. This renewal wasn’t a surprise anyway, given the way the third season ended. Not just that, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is a top-rated show and has bagged appreciation from both fans and critics. How can one forget the 16 Emmy Awards the show has bagged? As for what is coming next? There is a lot of speculation on what The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4 would bring in. The question is when the show would come back. Recently the executive director hinted what and when it would release. Here is what we know so far- 

Sherman Palladino Spoke About The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4

In a recent interview with Hollywood Reporter, executive producer of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel- Sherman Palladino spoke about when they would get back to shooting. The team had not started the production before lockdown began. She says that they are ready. However, COVID is the master of all at the moment. She does not know if the productions will get to run full-fledged before there is a vaccine. Everything is quite scary.

She went on to say that there are a lot many things being said; there are a number of white papers. There is a paper from AMPTP, and then there is a paper from craft services, and there is also a paper from Lou’s Bagel Shop, but the truth is nobody really knows anything. Everyone is scared to death, and they don’t know what they must do. Everyone is kind of in the same boat. Things will be very scary. They know what is coming up for the fourth season, but they just don’t know when they would get to the shooting. They are all hopeful that things turn out to be the best. 

What’s Coming Up Next?

In the third season of the show, Midge literally takes America by storm with her comedy. She even gets a chance to go on a tour with singer Shy Baldwin. Back at her home in New York, her ex-husband Joel is taking care of their children, Esther and Ethan, while also planning to open up a club. In the meantime, the Weissman’s move into Midge’s ex-in-laws house. By the end of the season, Midge faces a significant set back in her professional career when Shy Baldwin drops her out of the tour. Now, the question is, what is coming next in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4? Here is what we can expect-

More problems for Midge

In the interview with Hollywood reporter Sherman Palladino tells what could come for our favorite Midge. She says that they fucked Midge pretty bad in the third season. They had knocked her bad until now. But then that is what show business is all about. It is all about taking one step forward and two steps back. That is the life of a comic anyways. The show is, in fact, based in the times of 1960 when female comics weren’t really common. It is anyways difficult to be a female comic even today, so it was 10X difficult back in that time. Knocking her, again and again, will never be a problem on the show. There are a thousand ways they could take her down. It is her story that will tell them how many times Midge will fall again. 

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4

More Difficulties Coming Up For The Maisels 

In an interview, actress Caroline Aaron who plays the character Shirley, Joel’s mom, hinted that the fourth season might prove to be a tough one for the Maisel family. They are now trying to adjust to the changing times in the 1960s. As the show moves forward in the ’60s, things will change, and the world will fall apart for Moishe and Shirley. Things will no longer be the way they have seen it. Midge will be the one who brings in all these new things in the family, and it will be hard for everyone.

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4

Bumpy Road Ahead For Midge and Susie

In the last season, Susie had gambled away a lot of Midge’s earning from her tour with Shy Baldwin. Eventually, in the season, Joel comes to know about this problem before Midge does. After all of it, Susie asks him to manage Midge’s money. After that, Susie commits an insurance fraud by burning down her mothers’ house to get the money she gambled back. Midge has no idea about any of this. She might come to know about that in the fourth season, and she indeed won’t be very happy about it.  

Benjamin Could Come Back

Things left off on a pretty sour note between Midge and Benjamin in the third season. By the end of the season, Benjamin got everything off his chest after he demanded all the answers from Midge about breaking their engagement. Then we did not quite see Benjamin. It looks like something is going on in Rose’s mind, all thanks to her matchmaking skills. Benjamin turned her offer down the first time, but it is possible that Rose would be able to get her way around Benjamin and score him.

More Tours Coming Up For Midge

While Midge had a setback in the third season, she indeed will bounce back once again. In the third season, they took the show to many places, including Las Vegas, Chicago, Miami, and a few other places. Midge will continue her travel in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4. Talking about this, the show’s creators say that they are lucky that in a single camera universe, they can tell stories and build sets. They think that the show has always felt organic to the show when Midge and Susie are traveling. So, that will continue to happen on the show.

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4

Season 4 Could Feature Lenny Bruce’s Death

In these three seasons, if we know something for sure, it is that Midge and Lenny have a special connection. The last time fans saw them together is when Lenny invited Midge to his room. Midge had declined that for the time. When they parted ways, the last line was Lenny said- “Maybe someday, before I’m dead?” Midge politely nodded to this. The real incident happened in 1966, Los Angeles, when Lenny Bruce died of a morphine overdose. When he died, Lotus Weinstock was his girlfriend, who could have been Midge’s inspiration. Even though it is sometime before the show covers 1966, Bruce’s death might feature the show.

In an interview, Sherman-Palladino said that the minute we decided to bring Lenny Bruce on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4, we knew where the show was going. She said that Lenny might present a cautionary take for Midge. Palladino suggested everyone knows where the show would end, but that would add a cautionary tale of ambition to the show.

Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4

Since the team hasn’t started the production and we don’t know when they would, it is very difficult to say when Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 4 would reach our screens. We can place our hopeful bets in the second half of 2021, assuming that things will get better eventually. We will keep updating all the information about the show as we get it. So, you stay tuned. The first three seasons of Marvelous Mrs. Maisel are available on Prime Video for you to binge on.

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