Shot In the Dark Season 2: Shot in the Dark is a show that gives viewers an insight into the job of stringers. Stringers are freelancers who record videos of scene-of-crime of an accident or anything that can be reported and then sell it to channels. Stringers are usually not directly employed.
As the show moves ahead, these stringers over time might develop a relationship with different channels as they collaborate with them. But that doesn’t mean this collaboration will be forever. The stringers profession is more of cut-throat competition. These stringers have to be the first on the scene because there are many other people in the competition.
The first season of the show focuses on the ethics that Stringers follow in three major companies- OnScene.TV, RMG News, and LoudLabs LLC. These are LA-based companies. Each of them had started with scratch, and now they into a proper business. Every night, all of them race against each other as everyone tries to make it through in the business.
It Is A Docu-series
In the eight episodes of the show, the creators show what all the professionals have to do in order to become the stringers. In the show, people are usually given the best gear so they can shoot anything. They even get racy cars so they can go their way faster. They even have a 911 connection to police radio so that they can get the ideas for the next project. But all of that does not mean that everyone ends up becoming a great Stringer.

One needs to be quick, alert. They should be a great driver if they want to be the one who captures the moment. The show even says that these stringers should have a sense of shooting once they get on the location.
Being a Stringer is clearly one of the most hectic jobs in the world. They get to see some very bad things. They need to keep their head clear while they do their job. The job indeed is a lot of pressure and could make anyone want to quit their job. With that said, there are other things that could make these Stringers stay too.
Is Shot In The Dark Season 2 Happening?
The first season of ‘Shot in the Dark’ was released three years ago in November 2017. And ever since then, fans have been looking forward to more of the show. The first season received pretty good reviews and was quite applauded for its raw story. The show often got a bit as they followed stringing. The whole creative team of the show that was responsible for the show did not try to cover up anything but instead showed the reality. In fact, the creators have not tried to justify the moral grounds of the job of stringing.

As far as ‘Shot in the Dark’ Season 2 is concerned, the show is already over. It was a miniseries, and hence it the second season will not happen until the creator of the show is hit by yet another creative wave. We will keep you updated with all the news if anything changes. So, you stay tuned.