The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 21

The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 21: Diverged! Preview Out, Daryl And Carol Parted Ways!

The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 21, as the official synopsis suggests, is full of shocking gems that the fans have not seen before. The series that was supposed to end five episodes ago, has stretched to twenty-one episodes till now. Yes, The Walking Dead Season 10 was about to end at the sixteenth episode as the season finale. What is being aired are the “bonus” episodes. These episodes are added to enhance the characters and plots further. It is unclear as to how long these bonus episodes will continue. But the fans are always happy to receive the extra perks.

The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 21 is titled “diverged”. The title refers to a sharp drift between the two friends Daryl and Carol. It also directly hints towards their differences that will cover up in the coming storyline. For now, the question remains as if Daryl and Carol can sort their difference or not? Is there a way the two can work out their drifts?

The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 21: Synopsis Out!

Daryl and Carol are at their lowest point in their friendship. The two will part their ways both metaphorically and actually in the coming episode. While Daryl stays on the road, Carol reaches back to Alexandria. Both of them decide to go on their own to survive accordingly. The duo knows each other so well since the beginning of their friendship. A drift as such is first seen on the screens.

Looking at this from a different perspective, the relationship of Daryl and Carol will make for a bankable spin-off once the original show ends. So, counting on a Daryl-Carol subplot is a decision in favor of all. It is obvious that the two will eventually resolve the conflict. The question is how long will it actually take them both and how this will affect their relationship in the future.

Story So Far: How Will Princess Escape?

In the previous episode, the viewers were introduced to the newest character in the lot- Princess. As the show approaches season finale, it seems wise not to explore newer plots and ponder near the existing ones. Here, Princess seems a little eccentric character at the first glance. Further on, it is revealed that she is suffering from mental illness which is the reason behind her eccentricity. It is also found as the story progresses that all her conversations are imaginary as she sees people through her own figment of imaginations.

Though the viewers could not find out about the unknown captors in the episode, all they know is that they are the Soldiers of the Commonwealth. This group will become the next big antagonist gang of the show. Even without the revelation of this mysterious group, the episode’s build up leads to an interesting storyline. The entire episode revolved around Princess and the fans are likely to meet their favorites in the next one.

The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 21: Release Date

The official air-date of The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 21 is March 28, 2021, Sunday. Princess has been parted from her friends and Daryl and Carol have also separated their ways. At a point like this, the fruits of separation may come out bitter. As for the fans, they await answers to the cliffhangers that the previous episodes left behind. The next installment is due next Sunday on AMC network. Don’t forget to tune in.

What do you think about the “bonus” episodes? Let us know in the comment section.

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