Barton and Bishop will have to present a united front to counter their enemies in Hawkeye Episode 4. It seems that the upcoming episode will begin with a massive face-off between Barton and Duquesne. Fans will discover what the man really wants as he now holds Ronin’s sword. Meanwhile, Bishop will have to figure out a way to get rid of the Tracksuit Mafia and Maya Lopez. Hence, keep reading to learn the necessary details about the fourth episode.
Hawkeye Episode 4 Precap: What Will Happen?

Disney+ has been extremely careful about releasing information about the fourth episode. All we know is that it will be full of thrill and adventure. Barton will be facing Jack Duquesne, who is wielding Ronin’s sword. Thus, fans can expect to see a big face-off between the two. Moreover, Fans will find more about Jack’s real intentions and whose side he is on.
Meanwhile, Kate was blocked out of the system. She will need to find another way to discover more about the Tracksuit Mafia and Duquesne. The Tracksuit Mafia and Maya Lopez are tracking Barton and Bishop. So, the two archers will have to develop a solid plan to take them down. We know that Barton is Ronin. So, there is no way in the world that he will give himself up. Moreover, he has promised his daughter to return home for Christmas. Thus, we can expect to see a big play in Hawkeye Episode 4.

A Quick Recap!
The third episode of the debut season of Hawkeye was titled “Echoes.” The episode began with Barton and Bishop under Maya Lopez’s custody. The gang leader interrogated them about Ronin, who was responsible for killing Lopez’s father. Luckily, Barton managed to break loose and kept the Tracksuit Mafia at bay. However, Lopez broke his hearing aid in the process. Soon after, Barton freed Bishop as the duo escaped the Tracking Mafia. After that, Barton got his hearing aid fixed.
Meanwhile, Kazi advised Lopez not to mess with her uncle, Ronin. Moreover, Barton and Bishop broke into Elanor’s penthouse to know more about the Tracksuit Mafia and Duquesne. Bishop accessed the company account to find them in the criminal security database. Unfortunately, she was locked out of the system in an attempt to bypass security. Elsewhere, Bart encountered Duquesne, who showed off Ronin’s sword to threaten him in Hawkeye Episode 3.

Hawkeye Episode 4: Airing Date
Hawkeye Episode 4 will air on December 8. 2021. The network drops one new episode weekly on Wednesdays at 3:00 a.m. ET. In addition, the current season will feature six episodes. Hence, don’t skip the next episode and keep returning for more thrilling episode previews.