The first season of Marvel’s Moon Knight has just come to an end a few days back. Moon Knight, termed by many ‘Marvel’s Batman,’ is unlike most superheroes we know and love in the MCU. After the ending of the first season, fans are wondering about the return of the Capped vigilante with Moon Knight Season 2 on Disney+.
Moon Knight separated apart from the other Marvel Disney+ series since it only had a few nods to the MCU. This enabled the show to deliver its own tale without being distracted by other stories. The show has received massively positive reviews from both fans and critics.
Will There Be Moon Knight Season 2?

The first season of Moon Knight premiered on Disney+ on March 30, 2022, and the season ended with the finale airing on May 4. Now, talking about the prospect of Moon Knight Season 2, fans should know that the show was originally planned as a mini series. However, the series generated an overwhelming response for its inaugural season. The fans have gone crazy after seeing Moon KNight’s first season. As a result, the studio is reportedly planning to move forward with Moon Knight Season 2.
The rumors of the second season grew more significant after a screw-up on Marvel’s part. The studio Tweeted a picture before the finale. It mentioned ‘series finale’. However, soon after, the Tweet was deleted, and the updated Tweet said, ‘Season finale’. This hint is more than enough to give us an idea that Moon Knight Season 2 is definitely in Marvel’s scheme of things. If that’s not enough for, Disney+ also posted a Tweet on the micro-blogging app, which said, “Can’t decide what’s harder. Dealing with heat or waiting for the 2nd season of #MoonKnight.”
Moon Knight Season 2: What’s Next?
The finale of Moon Knight does leave certain plot lines open for the second season. Layla El-Faouly, Marc Spector’s wife, gained the avatar of Tawaret in the sixth episode of Moon Knight, which might lead to a deeper investigation of her new skills. Moon Knight Season 2 is built up in arguably the most important way through Jake Lockley.

Throughout the first season, Marvel teased the appearance of Spector’s third alternative identity. Jake is the new incarnation of Khonshu, according to the end-credit sequence of episode 6. However, Marc and Steven appear to be unaware of this, which sets up a key story strand for Moon Knight Season 2.
Will There Be Sun King In Moon Knight Season 2?
The Sun King is a Marvel character who serves a patron deity, this time the sun god Ra. According to Egyptian mythology, the Sun King, as an incarnation of Ra, can control fire and has a strong hatred toward Khonshu, Ra’s son. As a result, the Sun King and Moon Knight frequently clash as the latest fighters in an unending conflict between gods.

Sun King is a new villain in the Marvel Comics universe. This would provide Marvel Studios with a more creative license in developing a live-action rendition of the character. He is also depicted as having a condition similar to Marc Spector’s, which forces the hero to have a deeper understanding of his own difficulties. Such a plot may be the ideal thematic continuation of the Disney+ series’ first six episodes.
Is Ammit Dead?
Ammit was imprisoned in Arthur’s body by a spell to make his death easier. Ammit and Arthur’s Moon Knight’s power balance over Khonshu and Marc makes them a deadly combo even in mortal form. Jake Lockley shoots Arthur in the back seat of his limo at Khonshu’s command in the post-credit sequence. However, the death occurs off-screen. Arthur accepted the position of Ammit’s avatar, further complicating this seemingly clear decision.
Even though the spell imprisons Ammit in his body, the fact that he is her avatar may nullify the enchantment and protect them both. Ammit’s powers murdered the Ennead in the Great Pyramid of Giza. As a result, gods aren’t completely immortal. A single bullet may not kill an avatar. It surely isn’t for Moon Knight, who is protected by Khonshu and cannot be slain. This might, however, just apply to Khonshu’s avatar. The spell might potentially override avatar abilities, effectively killing Ammit and Arthur.
Dane Whitman Cameo!

After the first season of the Moon Knight is over, we are learning new things about the show each day. A cameo appearance by Kit Harrington’s Dane Whitman was explored for the Disney+ series, according to writer Jeremy Slater. In 2021’s Eternals, Harington’s character first appeared as Sersi’s love interest. Harington’s character worked at the London Natural History Museum as an ordinary scientist and historian who fell in love with Sersi. Because of his work at the Perfect History Museum, Slater believes a Whitman appearance would be a good fit for the show.