Phil mickelson

Phil Mickelson: What Brand Of Sunglasses Does He Wear? Find Out Here

Anyone even with the slightest knowledge about golf surely knows about what a prominent name Phil Mickelson is. The 51-year-old golfer is among the most prolific and successful golfers of the current time. However, in addition to his professional endeavors, his sunglasses from the past month have been making headlines. This happened when many fans started wondering which brand of sunglasses does he use. So, let us directly dig in to know all about the star golfer and his eye-catching sunglasses.

Phil Mickelson Early Life!

Philip Alfred Mickelson was born in Sandiego, California, on June 16, 1970. His love affair with golf began in his early childhood days. When he was just three years old, he ran away from his parents Phil and Mary Mickelson’s home only to be found on a golf course. In his teenage days, Philip started playing golf as an amateur. Mickelson won a whopping total of 34 titles while playing at the San Diego Junior Golf Association. 

Phil Mickelson

He used to enter the events by using his father’s job, who was an airline worker. In his days as a junior golfer, his parents supported him to every length. His mother even started a second job to help her son fund for American Junior Golf Association career. There, he won the AJGA Rolex Player of the Year award three times in a row. As a result, he was offered a full scholarship to Arizona State University.

Personal Life!

Phil and his wife, Amy McBride, met in 1992 when Amy was a cheerleader at Arizona State University. After falling in love with each other, the couple ended up getting married in 1996. And since then, they have given birth to three kids. Phil’s eldest daughter Amanda was born the day after Phil came as a runner up to Payne Stewart in the 1999 US Open. Meanwhile, Amy gave birth to Sophia in 2001, and Evan was born two years later in 2003. 

Bad fate hit the happy couple in 2009 when Amy was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a result, Phil temporarily stopped his PGA Tour career to take care of his sick wife. But luckily, Amy has come out as a victor in her battle with cancer and was termed cancer-free by the doctors after an 11-month wrangle. Amy has been highly involved in fund-raising activities for breast cancer research as a result of this near shave.

Phil Mickelson Career!

Aftеr grаduаtіng frоm Arizona State University, Phil started his journey as а рrоfеѕѕіоnаl gоlf рlауеr. Mickel made headlines in 1990 when hе became thе fіrѕt lеft-hаndеd реrѕоn in the wоrld tо wіn thе Аmаtеur tіtlе. Since then, Phil has wоn several РGА Тоur tоurnаmеntѕ throughout hіѕ саrееr. Mickel even managed to brеаke Тіgеr Wооdѕ’ wіnnіng ѕtrеаk in 2000 when he won at the Вuісk Іntеrnаtіоnаl.

Phil Mickelson Once Destroyed a Young Justin Thomas With His Smack Talk -  EssentiallySports

In 2004, Phil Місkеlѕоn earned his fіrѕt mајоr сhаmріоnѕhір victory. And lost the tag assigned to him as the bеѕt gоlfеr thе wоrld hаd ѕееn who hasn’t won any сhаmріоnѕhірѕ. In 2005 РGА Сhаmріоnѕhір hеld аt Ваltuѕrоl, Mickelson scored his ѕесоnd mајоr victory. After that, he went on to win thе 2006 Маѕtеrѕ Тоurnаmеnt pulling a hat trick of trophies. As a result of this triumph, Phil achieved his саrееr-hіgh rаnkіng оf Nо. 2 іn thе Оffісіаl Wоrld Gоlf Rаnkіng leaving behind gold stars like Vіјау Ѕіngh аnd Rеtіеf Gооѕеn.

Mickelson won thе Dеutѕсhе Ваnk Сhаmріоnѕhір in 2007. After being раіrеd wіth Тіgеr Wооdѕ аnd Phil managed to defeat hіm. This was only the second time in his entire career that he beat the legend, Tiger Woods. Phil is also a member of an exclusive list of fіvе gоlfеrѕ іn thе to shoot 59 іn а ѕіnglе соmреtіtіоn. In addition, Mickelson ended up in second place іn thе mајоr lеаguе а rесоrd 11 tіmеѕ.

Which Sunglasses Phil Mickelson Wears?

If you follow Phil Mickelson’s golf games, you must have noticed the player wearing stylish sunglasses in his games. Although fans have been blown away by the golfer’s statement of style, they also wonder which brand of sunglasses does he wear to his games. Talking about the brand of sunglasses Phil wears, he never on his end revealed the name of the goggle company he uses.

Even though Callaway is Phil’s sponsor, according to reports, Callaway is the brand of Phil’s glasses in his games. Meanwhile, some eagle-eyed fans have claimed that he uses Green Reader sunglasses. However, Phil has neither validated nor denied the claim.


As Phil started wearing Sunglasses during his after the global outbreak of covid19, many people wondered whether there was a health reason behind it. Talking about the reason to always be in glasses during a conversation, Phil stated, “Back during COVID break, I did this Carac cream — which is like a skin cancer chemotherapy treatment on your face for like two weeks.” He added, “Your skin blotches up, and you kill these cancer cells that you can’t see. And when I went outside, I had to wear some protection, so I wore these glasses to kind of protect the area around my eyes.”

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