Well, several stereotypes sometimes turn out as a bad thing. Why generalize and put people under the same umbrella when everyone is unique on their own? But some social cliches can reveal trends that teach more about others. Including their relationships. There are several words about LGBT couples. And the most common is “U-Haul.” The “U-Haul lesbian” started as a joke leaving fans wondering: what is the “U-Haul lesbian joke? But do you know it all started with the first openly gay comic and actor? But what is this U-Haul Lesbian joke all about? And is it real? Well, there are many things that people want to know. So let’s explain them slowly, one by one.
So, What Is U-Haul Lesbain Joke?
Comic and actor Lea DeLaria started the “U-Haul lesbian” metaphor. It’s a joke about women in same-sex relationships quickly moving in together just after their first date. It soon became a common punchline for the very famous question, “What does a lesbian bring on a second date?” “A U-Haul.” While it all started in reference to the US removal van rental service, it immediately became the talk of the town. (U-Haul is a rental service quite famous around the nation). Despite being subjective pigeonholing, most of the “U-Haul lesbian” trope isn’t cruel at all. In fact, the LGBT+ community also takes it as a “joke.”

Despite being the famous “U-Haul lesbian” joke, the senior therapist Sally Baker calls it a counteract to the heterosexual stereotype. As in such a stereotype, the commitment-phobic straight man fears taking a step toward their relationship. Instead of men taking the relationship to the next level from the talking stage. It is generally hit by hurdles and ends with “What are we?” which is quite common in modern-day heterosexual couples. It is apparently not the case with all lesbian relationships. This is because they ramp up in seriousness earlier.
But Why Does “Urge To Merge” A Huge Practice Among Lesbians?
While many wonder what the U-Haul lesbian joke is, several people still search for the answers behind the “urge to merge” tendency. But the authors Marny Hall and Kimeron Harding explained in Queer Blues about this concept. The term “Urge To Merge” is a desire to move in together just after knowing each other for three months. But it makes “U-Hauling” the most terrific punchline in lesbian culture. But they revealed that lesbians have never had the chance to practice courtship rituals. That heterosexual couples had practiced in their teens.

As a result, after delayed satisfaction, some LGBT+ people seek intimacy in their relationships in adulthood. It happens especially to those who couldn’t open up about their sexuality in their teens. Well, there’s nothing wrong with following “U-Hauling.” After living a life of solitude and shame. This is because they are finally ready to say “no” to the arbitrary rules and follow their hearts. Even Dr. Lauren Costine said that this heterosexism and “personalized lesbian-phobia” are huge parts of why lesbians U-Haul.
Lauren tells After Ellen, “We live in a society where women are being told to be in a relationship. Even people call it the most important life goal in a woman’s life.” So combining those factors of staying in a relationship with the low self-esteem caused by lesbian-phobia doubts leads to the “U-Haul” perfect recipe. So, she believes “Urge To Merge” is basically a sense of the way to deal with your low self-esteem. Many LGBTQ+ people think that it’s a perfect way to shower their love on each other. It’s also a way to work on their bond, even in a perfect way.
Reason Behind “U-Hauling” Leads To Successful Relationship

U-Hauling seems to be a huge success among lesbians. Although many lesbians move in together within a few months of dating, various studies reveal that it leads to a long-term bond. In fact, the stats suggest that same-sex couples are more satisfied in their relationship than their mixed-sex counterparts. Even lesbian relationships are more satisfactory and stable than the heterosexual couple. But why? Well, there’s a science behind it. Indeed! Science is actually behind the entire “U-Hauling” process. Biologically human brains are differently wired for connection and relationships.
Women emit more Oxytocin (a hormone women emit while falling in love, having sex, being pregnant, or breastfeeding) than men. It’s a biological encouragement that is attached to each of their accomplishment. So no doubt, when two women fall in love, the amount of Oxytocin is doubled. And they can’t get enough of themselves. So this is why they bond closely and decide to move in to stay as close as possible. In fact, women who have sex with women reported having longer sex sessions and orgasms. But that doesn’t mean “U-Hauling” is the key to happiness.
But Why?

While “U-Hauling” leads the lesbian couple to stay closer, it also leads to another lesbian trope. “What is U-Haul lesbian joke” is quite popular among the people. But there’s another lesbian trope known as the “dead bed scenario.” (You can call it the aftermath of “u-hauling”). So isn’t U-Hauling a good thing? Well, the couple faces intense passion at the beginning of a new relationship. But it slowly fades away, which rapidly turns into a dead bed scenario. In which sex becomes a distant memory that is only re-explored on high days or birthdays. Based on stats, women in same-sex relationships have less sex than straight women.
Although the frequency of sex is lower, the evidence suggests that the encounters between the couple are “more intense, prolonged, and orgasmic.” Thus it shows why queer women never follow the same rulebooks. Whether it’s about “U-Haul lesbian” daters or (not-so) dead lesbian bedrooms. It clearly links to the happiness which they find around each other. Sally also says, “Let’s get over with stereotypes.” And instead, cherish someone’s gut feelings for each other. If they are ready to fall in love and move in together, then there’s no need to make a “U-Haul lesbian” joke. This is all for now. Stay tuned. TechRadar247 will keep you updated.