It looks like Layton’s field trip is over as he prepares to take the train back in Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 2. He and his crew will also try to find the living tree in Africa which could sustain life.
Moreover, they might feel that one of the crucial members might be alive. Also, Wilford will make efforts to strengthen himself in the next episode. So, continue reading ahead to learn all the essential updates about the second episode.
Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 2 Preview: What Will Transpire?
The second episode of Snowpiercer Season 3 is titled “The Last to Go.” Layton will go on a hunting mission while Wilford will make efforts to boost the morales of his workers. Layton will forge a plan to take back their train for Wilford. Moreover, the crew will wonder how the man they found in the bunker survived in such harsh conditions for eight years. The mystery could give them an opportunity to sustain life on the planet again. Further, Layton will think about his dream. He will ask his team to look for the tree in Africa.
Meanwhile, Alex and the resistance will realize that a major threat could jeopardize everything they have worked for. Wilford will try to build a weapon as he feels that he has been built for war. Also, the pirate train crew will feel that Melanie might be alive.
A Quick Recap!
In the previous episode, Big Alice became a “rolling gulag” under Wilford’s rule for six months since the train’s departure. Everyone was forced to work under harsh, freezing conditions due to a limited power supply. Ruth, along with Pike, led the resistance in Layton’s absence. However, she was forced to flee from the first-class dining car after Wilford discovered her hiding spot.
Moreover, the passengers were forced to humiliate Jackboot and the Watermaster for illegal water usage under strict restrictions. Javi turned out to be alive and was working for Big Alice’s Engineer while the Headwoods were seen with Zarah’s unborn child.

Meanwhile, in Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 1, Layton and the pirate train failed to find any habitable location despite Melanie’s data. Layton and Josie were forced to rescue Bennett, who fell through the roof in North Korea. Till and Alex was forced to depart after some issues with the engine. Alex was forced to meet Big Alice by Miss Audrey and Martin Colvin, who secretly boarded the train.
Elsewhere, Sykes cooperated while being a prisoner of war. However, he refused to help Martin and Audrey with their mission. Till convinced Alex not to give up while Layton found a survivor in an underground bunker. He passed out due to lack of power and dreamed of a living tree in Africa. Layton returned to the train with the survivor after charging his suit in the bunker in Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 1.

Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 2: Airing Date
TNT will air Snowpiercer Season 3 Episode 2 on January 31, 2022. The network airs a new episode weekly on Mondays at 9:00 p.m. ET. And the current season will feature a total of ten episodes.
Where To Stream The Upcoming Online?
If you miss TNT’s broadcast, you can stream the latest episode on Netflix. The streaming network releases the episode one day after TNT’s broadcast. So, don’t miss out on the second episode and keep returning for more thrilling episode previews.